Saturday 13 January 2018

Welcome to You when you visit Wayanad

When you come to visit Wayanad, welcome to you when you visit Wayanad,

1. There is not a group of adivasis in the film wearing only wearing clothes and wearing ornaments and they are not a sight. You have to look at the movies for such ideas. 2. Wayanad is relatively better than other districts, so you do not have to be overwhelmed by the speed of running roads that are familiar to you. Unexpected errors are dangerous.Perhaps a life of a human or an animal.

3. It is good for you to bring your own food, and to stay by the roadside and through the water resources. But you have to take away the remnants and plastic waste after you've eaten. Do not contaminate route and water resources. 

4. Thank you if the inside songs of the vehicle make you loud enough to listen.

5. There are no honey, honey coins, honey craft items available to buy at most shops here and there is no connection with Wayanad district too. But these are the places where the original quality is available, so look and watch. 

6. Do not deal with wild animals especially close to monkeys and do not give them food items.

7. Do not be angry with the employees and policemen in their entertainment centers, and often they even work out their food, even for your safety. 

8. To see you once and for a while, you are not responsible for the natural beauty of Wayanad and you are responsible for maintaining it.

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