Friday 26 January 2018

Increase Organic Traffic With Backlinks And SEO

Increase Organic Traffic With Backlinks And SEO

Hello guys today I am going to tell you How can you Increase Organic Traffic With Backlinks And SEO ? As all new bloggers are mostly confused that will they every be able to get organic traffic on their posts so today we have added few tips and tricks to give a boost to you blog traffic. Now if we say how Google check which site blog have good article and it shows on top to the this questions seems to be difficult but its not simply if you have good no of backlinks of your site than of course your site will come on top in search engines. If you don't know about backlinks or you got some question like how to increase backlinks then dont fell ashamed in asking. Now let's go back to our topic Increase Organic Traffic With Backlinks And SEO.

Submitting Sitemap

  1. Visit Google webmaster page by searching on Google.
  2. On your Search Console home page, select your site.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Site configuration and then Sitemaps.
  4. Click the Add/Test Sitemap button in the top right.
  5. Enter /system/feeds/sitemap into the text box that appears.
  6. Click Submit Sitemap.

Have a Privacy Policy and Terms Page

That said, easy-to-find privacy policy and terms pages help your site stand out from shady affiliate sites that don’t usually have these pages. Plus, users are used to seeing these pages on “real” sites.

Include Keyword Synonyms in H1 and H2 Tags

I usually use my exact keyword in my page’s H1 and H2 tag. But if I feel that the page is over-optimized, I’ll replace the exact keyword with a synonym instead.

Write Long Content

That’s not to say that publishing longer content will skyrocket you to the first page. But there’s plenty of data out there to show that publishing 1000+ word content helps.

Write Image Alt Text Like a Caption

Google can’t actually see what’s in an image. Instead, they use image metadata — like the image filename and alt text — to understand what’s in that image.
So this was our article on Increase Organic Traffic With Backlinks And SEO and I hope you like it. These tips and tricks will surely help you to increase your organic traffic. If you are facing any problem them you can discuss in comments.

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